We would like to invite you to a Parent Night on Thursday September 10th from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The purpose of this parent night will be to meet your child(rens) school administration team and learn about the District Assessments that your children will be participating in over the next few weeks.
At the conclusion of the event there will be a live question and answer session.
To join the meeting, please see the information below:
Jefferson, Sunnyside, & MacArthur Webinar
Recording Link: https://berkeley87.zoom.us/rec/share/B7oQ50DL_OhwFOHVcvHqHL1I1GOnt61sp_Jwnmyz_u2Dr8ONJVkOZrdU-kMoQAwt.xDI090ysL7faJQgX
Recording Passcode: 74fpNeF?
Whittier, Riley, & Northlake Webinar
Recording Link: https://berkeley87.zoom.us/rec/share/28pFCZVi8O7A41Kyj__6qScS3cxop2t1EqHUrSAvILsoPX7RNCi45S9avvhfTEya.5nP24bvghgSfQ_mw
Recording Passcode: mdy=R9Rs