
District Calendar


Breakfast, Instructional Day, School Dismissal
Below are the the times when Breakfast begins, the Instructional day begins, and school is dismissed at each school. 

  Whittier  Jefferson Riley Sunnyside Northlake MacArthur
Breakfast Begins 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:00 am 8:00 am
Instructional Day 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 8:25 am 8:25 am
School Dismissal 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:05 pm 3:05 pm


In D87 we believe attendance at school is critical to learning. By state law, parents are requested to report their child's absence/tardiness to the school's office, for middle schools by 8:30 am and for primary and intermediate schools by 9:15 am each day. All tardies will be marked on Report Cards. All schools have voicemail operating between the hours of 4:30 pm and 8:00 am which you may call to report an absence.

If there is any doubt as to whether or not a child should be in school the school nurse will help make the decision. The nurse administration may request a doctor’s note for the return to school. Children who have had a contagious disease, such as measles, whooping cough, or streptococcal infections, must present a doctor's certificate of readmittance.

Any student who arrives at school after the time on the bell schedule below will be considered tardy. Chronic tardiness is considered to be a form of truancy and can result in the same procedures described under the policy on truancy. We value attendance in D87. Please help us develop the habit of attending school every day and on time.


In D87 we believe attendance at school is critical to learning. Students are expected to attend school on time on all regularly scheduled school days, as specified by the State of Illinois compulsory school attendance statute. (Please refer to the current school calendar for the specific listing of days.)





Breakfast Begins 8:45am

Instructional Day Begins 9am

School Dismissal 3:30pm

Breakfast Begins 8:45am

Instructional Day Begins 9am

School Dismissal 3:30pm

Breakfast Begins 8:00am

Instructional Day Begins 8:25am

School Dismissal 3:05pm

Occasionally changes in this schedule are necessary. Parents are duly notified if such changes occur.

Parents of middle school students are urged to send their children to school so that they arrive no earlier than 8:00 a.m., no earlier than 8:45 a.m. for primary/intermediate school pupils, and no earlier 12:45 p.m. for afternoon kindergarten and pre-kindergarten classes.

If participating in the breakfast program, children should not arrive earlier than 8:00 am for middle schools and 8:45 a.m. for primary and 8:45 a.m. for intermediate schools. The District provides supervision after these times.

Late Pick-Up

Student safety is the highest priority of School District 87. Therefore, we make every effort to ensure that all students are under appropriate supervision. For that reason, we are concerned about students who are left after dismissal time with no supervision. Parents/guardians are responsible for picking up students during supervised times according to the dismissal schedule outlined above under Attendance Hours.

All Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students need to be picked up by an adult, regardless of mode of transportation. Kindergarten, 1 st and 2nd grade students will not be allowed to get off their designated stop unless a parent/guardian is at the bus stop.

The same procedure above applies for students who get picked up for After School Clubs. Failure to comply with these procedures can result in students being dropped from the club.

The school will contact parents/guardians and/or emergency contact if a child has not been picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal time. Chronic late pick-ups, not being picked up within an hour of dismissal or a nurse call (sending home sick) where no emergency contacts are able to be contacted may result in the school calling the Police Department.

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