Summer Reading

Summer Reading
Posted on 06/07/2024

In D87, we have a fundamental goal to improve all our scholars' reading performance. Our teachers and your scholars have worked hard on this goal throughout the school year. Our ELA curriculum provides a comprehensive approach to ensuring scholars have access to high-interest reading materials, explicit instruction, dedicated time to read, think, and write, and time for scholars to talk to each other about what they are learning. Additionally, your support at home, providing the time and space for scholars to read each day, has allowed them to make immense progress. 

Research shows, however, that children can experience “summer reading loss” over the months when school is not in session. Studies have shown that some children can experience up to a 3-month loss in reading level. One study of first, second, and third graders in a middle-class neighborhood found that nearly 45% of the students declined in decoding skills and 25% of the students declined in fluency over the summer.” Wilson Summer Reading

We want to ensure our scholars maintain reading levels and increase their love of reading over the summer.  Berkeley 87 is going to help make sure “summer reading loss” does not happen by sending home a “Summer Take Home Pack.” Every scholar in grades K-8 is receiving a skill-building Summer Take Home Pack. The kindergarten through fourth grade packs have independent student activities to review essential reading skills and math practice. Each pack will contain a student workbook and 3–5 skill-building books to add to home libraries. 

The fifth grade through eighth grade packs will have 5 engaging fiction books, Think Sheets for every title to reinforce reading, including:

 - Learning on My Own reading comprehension and writing activities
- Family Time with reading tips and opportunities to make personal connections to daily life
- A Student Postcard with prompts for students to share their summer reading experiences.

All scholars should also receive skills cards matched to their reading level to remind them of the skills they need to practice while reading books from their take-home packs. 

With your partnership at home, we know we can continue to help each of our scholars grow to their fullest potential. We hope you will join us in this effort to help your child grow as a reader over the summer!

Be on the lookout for information about a District Reading Challenge that you will receive in the mail. Trust us, you will want to participate!

Stay safe, read often, and don’t forget to have some fun this summer!

See you back here in 73 short days!  We will miss you!! 

Your Berkeley 87 Administrators

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